Boys Varsity Basketball
Senior Shoutouts!
Joey, what a great four years of Whitman basketball it’s been! We’ve been so proud to watch you grow as a player and leader. We’ll miss the exciting games and the whole Vikes family! Love, Mom & Dad
Alex, we are so proud of you in so many ways. You apply so much of what you bring to the court to your day to day life. You are composed under pressure, focused and determined…these qualities will get you far in life. Keep up all this hard work and you can do anything! Love, Mom and Matt
Congratulations Doob!! We love you and wish you tremendous success in all that you wish to accomplish!!!
Jack – we have loved watching you play sports for so many years. We will always be your biggest fans! Love, Your Family
Congratulations on a great senior year! Baseball and Basketball teams were better because of you. We are very proud of you. Love you. Mom, Dad, Raquel, Josh and Danielle
Thanks for all the hard work & dedication over the last four years. Good luck as you move on to the next step in life!
Congrats to all our athletes, parents, volunteers and coaches. Thanks for representing WWHS Athletics in such a positive way!!!!
Congrats to our Senior Class of 2018!! I am very proud of all you accomplished during your time in the Whitman Basketball Program. Continued success to all! #GoVikes