Maintaining the Website


We use A2 Hosting:


  • | Fog56pie2017
  • | Fog56pie2017
  • | Fog56pie2017

The boosters credit card is logged in the account to auto renew.


We have 3 admin users:

  • jskilling
  • kathy
  • andrewfriedman


Update all of the plugins


Backup Buddy can be set to run at any given time.

Core WordPress:

Currently it’s backleveled.  Until I can get a good backup in place, I have not wanted to update and risk breaking the them because of Gutenberg.


We use Events Calendar, which is a plugin.  Adding events is easy.

  • Click on Events
  • Add new
  • Add the next board meetings

They will show up on the main page of the website in the footer column on the left.  This is a widget that can be found by clicking on appearance/widgets.  You will see the widget is set to show the next 5 events and not the ones which have occurred.  Feel free to go back and delete all old events.


We use Advance Ads, which is a plugin.  The developer is also making updates to the base product.

To create new ads:

  • Click on Ads
  • Add new
  • Add the title
  • Add the URL
  • Add an image
  • Add it to all of the ad groups

If an advertiser won’t be with us for the year, put their ad in draft in case they do come back in the future.


Our advertisers each get their own page which are then added to a portfolio page.  To create a new one, duplicate  a current one and change:

  • Title
  • Slug
  • URL
  • Image

If the advertiser won’t be with us for the year, put their page in draft in the event they come back later.


We use Gravity Forms to create forms for usage.  Currently we are using a form for:

  • Contact Us
  • Buy a Brick
  • Join Boosters

There is a form which is turned off for ads if you ever want to use it again.  It would be best if the only payment method is credit card so that Boosters is never chasing money.

The Brick form has both credit card and Paypal as the payment methods.